Fields: Add/Edit/Copy Profile
Add/Edit Profile lets you add a new search profile to your system, or edit the information for an existing or copied search profile. You can edit profile information such as the name, description, and URL to access the profile. You can also set up specific IP address ranges that you want to direct to the search profile.
Profiles > Add Profile
Profiles > Edit
Profiles > Copy
When you add or edit a search profile, you must specify unique values for some fields. If you enter information for a search profile that is currently being used for another search profile, the software highlights the field where the non-unique value appears and displays an error message indicating that the value is already being used by another profile and that the information you enter must be unique to the profile that you are adding or editing.
Copy Profile lets you create a new profile that replicates most of the settings and information associated with an existing profile. Copying a profile replicates most basic profile settings, as well as other elements found in the profile:
- language configuration
- custom page elements
- search result displays
- facet configuration
- selected and enabled search targets
- enabled search limits
- room taxonomy, including room visibility and room availability
- room content
Copying a profile does not copy the Code, Profile URL, or assigned IP address ranges. You must provide a unique Code and Profile URL when you copy a profile, and you can set up specific IP address ranges that you want to direct to the copied search profile before you save the search profile.
Those fields marked with an asterisk ( * ) are required. If you do not enter information for a field that is required, the software prompts you that the information is missing. |
The Discovery administrator database metadata is cached in the Discovery Server application. Any changes to search profiles will not be reflected to the patron in Searching until the metadata cache is refreshed. For more information, see Refreshing the search cache. |
Displays the name of the profile that you are currently copying or editing.
Note: This name does not display if you are adding a new profile.
Specifies a unique code for the search profile (up to 30 characters). This code is used to identify the search profile on the Profiles page and on any other pages that display the search profile code.
Codes are displayed in all upper case letters. If you enter lower case alphanumeric characters for the code, the software automatically converts them to upper case when the code is displayed. The Code cannot include spaces. If you enter a space, SirsiDynix Enterprise will display an error message when you save the settings.
Note: This value must be unique. If you enter a code that is already being used elsewhere on the system and try to save the profile, the software displays an error message indicating that the value must be unique, and informing you that the value you entered is already being used for another profile.
Specifies the system name of the search profile (up to 80 characters) for the specified language. This name is used to identify the search profile on the Profiles page and on any other pages in the Admin console that display the search profile name.
For this field, you can also specify an alternate name for a specific language. Choose the language from the drop-down list of supported languages, then enter the localized name in the field.
Note: If your web browser is configured to use a display language that is not supported by Portfolio and you have chosen to display the Admin console in a language other than the default language (en_US), the language that displays in the drop-down list of supported languages defaults to US English.
If a localized name already exists for a specific language, the software displays that language name differently in the drop-down list. When you enter a localized name for a specific language, the language name appears with a “++” suffix. If you clear the localized name for a specific language, the software displays the language name without the different formatting.
Specifies a text description of this search profile (up to 255 characters).
Specifies the friendly URL for the search profile (up to 30 characters). The Profile URL is the portion of the URL specific to this profile. For example, if your Searching server is at “” and your profile is named “myprofile,” you would use this URL to access the profile: “”.
Note: This value must be unique. If you enter a URL that is already being used, the software displays an error message indicating that the value must be unique, and informing you that the value you entered is already being used for another profile.
Because Portfolio reserves some terms for specific functions, you should not use those terms for the friendly URL. Below is a list of terms you should NOT use in the Profile URL field:
- admin
- login
- error
- forbidden
- holds
- rss
Set as default
Specifies whether this search profile is used as the default search profile for the system. The default profile is used by the software when only the base URL is specified.
Only one profile on the system can be set as the default. If another profile is already set as the default, when you choose Set as Default for another profile, that profile becomes the new default profile. If you are currently editing the default profile, this checkbox is disabled and cannot be changed.
Note: You must specify a default profile on the system. Only one search profile can be set as the default.
BLUEcloud Configuration Options
Controls the BLUEcloud settings for this search profile.
BLUEcloud Connection
When there are multiple connections, this specifies which connection to use. Each connection provides access to different institutions. Each connection is associated with a single institution. Select the connection that accesses the desired institution (for more information, see Fields: Add/Edit BLUEcloud Connections).
CloudSource Profile
Specifies which CloudSource profile to use. CloudSource profiles are used to control which results are returned in searches made against a CloudSource search source. Administrators may wish to restrict results to certain open access publications that align with specific topics. For example, a biology department may only want to show results from publications that cover life sciences and related topics, but not astrophysics research.
Selecting a CloudSource profile from the list applies the associated filters to the results of searches made against a CloudSource search source. Selecting "Default" will return all results instead.
Note: These profiles are created and managed within BLUEcloud Central, and the BLUEcloud Connection selected above will determine which profiles are visible here based on the associated institution.
Override BLUEcloud Commerce
If your organization has enabled BLUEcloud Commerce, it is used for all payment management for each profile in your system. However, if you want a profile to use Symphony Web Services or Horizon Web Services, you can override the BLUEcloud Commerce service for the profile and use web services implementation.
When selected, Override BLUEcloud Commerce removes the connection to the BLUEcloud payment service and enables the payment accounts that you have configured. In order to use the payment accounts, you need to set up at least one web service (for more information, see Managing web services) and create at least one payment account (for more information, see Managing payment accounts).
Search Options
Specifies the Searching settings for this search profile. These settings customize how Searching behaves and displays for patrons when they access this search profile.
Enable “Did you mean?”
Specifies whether or not to enable the “Did you mean?” feature in Searching.
When you enable this feature, every time a patron enters a search term in Searching, the term is compared against Discovery search source dictionaries to determine if the search term is present. Each dictionary is search source specific. Search source dictionaries are updated automatically when each of the library system’s data sources are indexed. This includes any special or localized terms contained in the data.
Enabling the "Did you mean" feature on a search source with a small data set limits the number of terms that can be included in the source dictionaries and may result in unhelpful results. If you are unsure whether the "Did you mean" suggestions will be pertinent to common searches, test some searches and enable or disable the feature accordingly.
Note: If a search term is misspelled somewhere in the search source data, it will also be misspelled in the search source dictionary.
Note: Disabling “Did you mean?” does not disable searching. Portfolio will still search and display the search source data, regardless of whether “Did you mean?” is enabled.
If the search term is found within at least one search source dictionary, the software does not display “Did you mean?” suggestions. If the search term is not found, Searching displays the “Did you mean?” phrase with suggested terms from the Discovery search source data. The patron can click one of these suggestions to do a new search using that suggestion or browse the results that do return.
Note: If a search does not yield any results, “Did you mean?” will not be displayed for that search.
“Did you mean?” will display up to three suggested terms, one from each of three Discovery search sources. There may be fewer suggested terms if the profile has fewer than three Discovery search sources, or if only one or two possible search terms can be found. You can specify which search source dictionaries will be available for “Did you mean?” suggestions. For more information, see Fields: Add/Edit Discovery Search Sources. Suggestions for “Did you mean?” are pulled only from Discovery search source data. Federated search sources are not checked for possible search terms.
Note: When patrons narrow a search by applying a facet, “Did you mean?” will not be displayed for that search.
Enable Publication Date facet as a range
Specifies to display the Publication Date facet as a range of publication dates rather than as individual years.
If you enable this option, Portfolio displays 5 publication date ranges under the Publication Date facet heading, each of which corresponds to the range of publication dates found within the search results. The publication date ranges are displayed in the format “yyyy-yyyy” and are listed in descending order.
If the search results contain 5 or less publication dates, Portfolio automatically displays the Publication Date facet as individual years instead of as a range. If you display the Publication Date facet as a range, Portfolio does not display title counts for each date range.
Note: You must enable the Publication Date facet for this profile in order to display publication dates as a range. For more information, see Configuring the facet display for a search profile.
Note: After you enable this option, you must refresh the search cache for the publication date facet to display as a range. For more information, see Refreshing the search cache.
Note: By default, this option is disabled. If you are upgrading from a a previous version of Portfolio, this option will automatically be disabled.
Discovery Tab Label
Specifies the text that appears on the Discovery search results tab. When the patron selects the Everything option in the drop-down list next to the Search field, the search results that come from Discovery search targets are listed on a separate tab. By default, the Discovery tab label text is Catalog.
You can specify a localized name for the Discovery tab label by typing the localized text, and selecting in the language list next to the text field the language that will use the localized text.
Note: The Everything option displays in the drop-down list next to the Search field if the Use No Limits check box is selected for the search profile in the search limit configuration, or if two or more search targets are enabled for the search profile or room. For more information, see Configuring search limits for a search profile, Specifying search box options for a search profile, or Setting up search limits for a room.
Federated Tab Label
Specifies the text that appears on the Federated Search results tab. When the patron selects the Everything option in the drop-down list next to the Search field, the search results that come from Federated search targets are listed on a separate tab. By default, the Federated tab label text is Databases.
You can specify a localized name for the Federated tab label by typing the localized text, and selecting in the language list next to the text field the language that will use the localized text.
Note: The Everything option displays in the drop-down list next to the Search field if the Use No Limits check box is selected for the search profile in the search limit configuration, or if two or more search targets are enabled for the search profile or room. For more information, see Configuring search limits for a search profile, Specifying search box options for a search profile, or Setting up search limits for a room.
Fuzzy Search Factor (0.5 to 1.0)
Specifies the amount of fuzziness applied to Searching in the profile.
Fuzziness is the "closeness" requirement between two words – the search term and a term in the index. This is based on an algorithm called "Levenshtein Distance," which creates a ratio of the number of characters that have to be changed in order to turn a search term into an indexed term, divided by the number of characters in the search term.
So in other words, the fuzzy search factor is the percentage of characters that have to remain unchanged (".5" being 50%, ".7" being 70%, etc.) to be included in the search results. For example, to turn "bee" into "ben," two thirds of the term remains unchainged, meaning that the fuzziness factor is .666.
By default, the fuzzy searching is set to a .7 (70%) factor. You can specify a range from .5 (50%) to 1.0 (100%). If you assign a value of 1.0, no fuzzy searching will take place at all, and only exact matches will be returned in search results.
Important: The lower the factor, the longer it takes to get search results. For example, searches will take longer at a 0.5 factor than at a 0.7 factor.
Note: To optimize search times, fuzzy searching is enabled only for searches on author, title, and subject fields. Other fields included in the search are not subject to the fuzzy search factor, which means that they require an exact match to add the record to the results list. To have the fuzzy search factor applied to other search fields, contact your SirsiDynix representative.
Items for RSS feed
Specifies the number of items to include in RSS feeds created from search results. The default number of items is 100.
Note: When a patron saves an RSS feed for a search, the feed monitors only the first 100 search results, not the entire search.
Enable Open Search
Allows OpenSearch-enabled applications to query the search targets that are enabled for the current profile. Portfolio returns the results in the OpenSearch format. OpenSearch is an open standard that allows an application to run queries against a search server and aggregates the results. Portfolio supports version 1.0 of the OpenSearch standard. Microsoft Internet Explorer is an example of an application that has the capability of aggregating and formatting the results from an OpenSearch server.
Note: If you are not familiar with OpenSearch, you can study the information at “” before you enable the OpenSearch option for any profiles.
Portfolio supports the OpenSearch description document that describes the OpenSearch interface, including the template that search clients use to submit a query to Portfolio. Search client applications must have the server name (or IP address), port number, and profile to retrieve the description document. They can retrieve the description document by using the following template with the server, port, and profile that you provide to them:
When OpenSearch is enabled, Discovery server becomes a search engine that other applications can search. To do that, those applications need the Portfolio server name, port number, and the template used to format the query correctly for Discovery server. Below is the template for submitting a query to the Discovery server and a description of the elements in the template:
Element | Description |
<server> |
Specifies the Portfolio server name or IP address. |
<port> |
Specifies the Portfolio server port number. |
<profile> |
Specifies the Discovery profile to query. If the OpenSearch application submits a URL that is blank or doesn’t match any of the profile names in your library database, Portfolio queries the default profile. |
<searchTerms> |
Specifies the text string to query. |
<startIndex> |
Specifies which result to begin the list with. “0” specifies that the first item found in the Discovery server search results ("10" indicates the eleventh item found, and so forth). Note: Results are listed in order of relevance. |
<count> |
Specifies the number of results to return to the application. |
Portfolio returns the results as an OpenSearch compliant XML file. The file includes the following elements that define each result:
Element | Description |
<title> |
Indicates the title of the item. Important: The value of title is set to return the first field defined in the Search Result Display definition. If you specified a different field other than the title, the value for that field will be returned instead of the title. For more information, see Adding or editing a search result display. |
<summary> |
Summarizes the details of the item. Note: The summary is a concatenation of the other elements defined in the Search Result Display for the profile. For more information, see Adding or editing a search result display. |
<id> |
Indicates the Portfolio identification number of the item. |
<rel:score> |
Indicates the relevance score of the item. Relevance is relative to other results in the search. The higher the number, the more relevant it is to the search term. Note: Because the relevancy score is relative to the search, displaying the relevancy score as part of the search results may be misleading to the patron. |
Enable Zero Search
Zero search is the ability to search when no value has been entered in the Search box (in other words, searching on an empty Search field). When Zero Search is enabled, Portfolio finds all of the items that are from the selected target. When Zero Search is disabled, nothing happens when the patron searches when the Search field is empty.
Filter items based on limits in effect
Screens the search results list in a result’s detail display to show only the items that can be displayed according to the specific search limit that has been applied. The search limit may be an administrator-enforced search limit or a patron-selected search limit.
For example, if an administrator-enforced search limit allows the patron to view items owned by the Main Library, the City Library, and the Country Library, the detail display will include only the items owned by those libraries. Any items owned by other libraries will not appear in the item list in the detail display. If Filter Items Based on Limits in Effect is not selected, the results of a search will display only the results found in Main Library, the City Library, and the Country Library, but when you open the details of a result, it will list all of the items in those libraries and all other libraries in the system.
Open external links in new tab or window
Specifies whether to open an external link (or any link that is external to Portfolio) in a new tab or window. External links might include Library Favorites links, 856 tags, and links from federated search sources.
If you enable this option, when patrons click on an external link, the link will open in a new tab or window, depending on the patron’s web browser settings.
Note: This option does not apply to external links that appear within Rooms content. You can determine whether the external link opens in a new tab or window by editing the Room content and specifying in the HTML code whether the hyperlink should open in a new tab or window.
Number items in search results for this profile
Specifies whether to number the items listed in the search results. If you enable this option, when patrons view search results after performing a search, Portfolio numbers each item in the entire list chronologically.
Enable Modal Detail View
Specifies whether the detail view, when opened from the search results, opens over the results or opens replacing the results.
When this option is selected, the item details opens in a "modal window" that displays over the search results. This provides an intuitive way for the patron to navigate between the list and the item details. The patron can close the modal window to return to the results list.
When this option is not selected, the item details opens as a page that replaces the search results. The user can return to the results list by clicking the browser's Back button. You might use this setting (deselect the option) when you have enriched content from a third-party vendor that does not support the use of modal windows.
For mobile displays, this option wont have any effect. The detail display always opens as a nonmodal page on mobile devices, regardless of configuration.
Show due date on the detail display for checked out items
Specifies whether to display either the due date or the label "Checked out" in the detail display of items that have been checked out.
Show due time when within 24 hours of due date
Specifies whether to display the due time after the due date of a checked out item in the detail and My Account displays. Due Time begins displaying 24 hours before the item is due. Prior to that time, only the due date displays.
Show copies available from additional libraries if no copies are available from filter library
Specifies that you wish to display in the search results display the number of copies available from the entire site if no copies are available from the filter group or library.
If you select this option, you must first set up your source site to display availability for search results, and set up a limit on availability counts to a search library.
Enable zoom on asset images
Turns on or off the zoom function of asset thumbnails in the search results and Item Detail displays. When a patron moves the mouse over a thumbnail of an image, Portfolio displays larger version of the image in a box to the side of the thumbnail. The user can move the mouse to different regions of the thumbnail to view those regions in the preview box. This works only for image assets.
When not selected, moving the mouse over the thumbnail does not display a preview.
Interfile EDS Results
Note: Whenever a library elects to use any EDS search target with Enterprise, an EDS Display Mode field appears in the Preferences accordion of the My Account Personal Information tab. This occurs even when Interfile EDS Results has not been selected.
Specifies whether EDS search results are returned and merged (interfiled) according to relevance with Portfolio profile search results.
Enable Facebook 'Share' Button
Specifies that you want the Facebook "Share" button to appear in search results (list view only) and in an item's detail display. For more information, see Enabling the Facebook "Share" button.
Note: If you enable this feature, specifying a Facebook App ID can provide sharing metrics in the Facebook Developer portal.
Important: Library administrators should be aware that when the Facebook "Share" button is enabled, performance in Portfolio can suffer, especially if multiple search result tabs are open or if the network connection is weak. This slowed behavior is especially apparent on screen readers.
Facebook App ID
Specifies the Facebook App ID for your site.
For information about generating a Facebook App ID, see Enabling the Facebook "Share" button
Important: When a library user "Shares" an item, Portfolio facilitates logging in to the user's account. But because Facebook doesn't actually open in the browser, and library users may forget—or not know—to log out, a subsequent user on the computer could easily gain access to the previous user's Facebook account. To prevent this, create a separate profile for in-library use in which the Facebook functionality is disabled.
Patron Options
Specifies the features that are available to the patron in the Searching interface. A check in the box indicates that the feature is available in all parts of the product. When the options is not selected, it does not appear in the Searching interface.
Enable Email
Adds or removes an option that lets patrons email a list of selected titles or the details of a single title to any email address. The Email action is available in the results list, detail display, and My List.
Enable "Text It To Me"
Adds "Text it to me" as a button or menu option in search results and detail displays. This lets patrons send a text message to their phone that shows the call number, a link to the item, the title, and the author. Patrons who have phones with Internet access can follow the link to the item's detail display.
Note: "Text it to me" applies only to physical items that have a call number. It is not applicable to electronic assets or other digital items.
When patrons choose "Text it to me" they are presented with an interface that requests their phone number and their phone carrier. The carrier is important because it provides an email-to-SMS gateway through which Portfolio sends the text message. Each carrier's gateway is unique and not all carriers are defined in Portfolio.
The Text It To Me option includes two buttons for setting up the text configuration.
Button | Description |
Edit Carriers |
Saves all changes made on the Add/Edit/Copy Profile page and opens the Mobile Phone Carriers page so you can add, edit, enable, and disable phone carriers for all profiles (for more information, see Managing mobile phone carriers). |
Select SMS Fields |
Specifies which search fields are included in the text message. You can add or remove fields and specify the order that they appear in the text message. For more information, see Fields: Select SMS Fields. |
Allow Patrons to Specify Subject for Emails
Adds or removes the Subject field in the Email list and Email item details dialog boxes so patrons can specify the subject line in the email. Without the Subject field, Portfolio inserts a generic subject, such as "Title Details: Wind in the Willows" or "Results: willows."
Enable Printing
Adds or removes the option that lets patrons print a list of selected titles or the details of a single title. The Print action is available in the results list, detail display, and My List.
Enable Holds
Adds or removes the option that lets patrons place items on hold. The Place Hold action is available in the results list, detail display, and My List.
Show "Mail this to Me" option
Adds or removes the option that lets patrons choose to have an item mailed to them from the library.
Note: This option is only available for Symphony customers.
Enable Item-Level Holds
Adds or removes the ability of patrons to place a hold on a specific copy of a title. The Reserve This Copy option appears in the availability table in the detail display. To activate the table, edit the detail display for the source and select at least one field in either the Holding Child Fields or Item Child Fields lists (for more information, see Adding or editing a detail display).
Important: Item-level holds are available only to sources that connect to either a SirsiDynix Symphony or Horizon ILS through web services.
Note: Clicking the Place Hold button on the detail display places a hold on the first copy of the title that comes available rather than a specific copy of the title.
Allow Pickup only from the Item Library
Specifies whether patrons can choose which library from which to pick up the item. When selected, the patron is not given the option to select a pickup library, but must pick the item up from the library that houses the item. When not selected, the patron can select the pickup library from a list. In this case, the libraries must make sure the item is sent to the pickup library for the patron if it is not currently at that location.
Important: Allow Pickup only from the Item Library displays only when Enable Item-Level Holds has been selected.
Show "My Account"
Enables the My Account link and functionality for the profile. When this option is disabled, the link to My Account is not displayed in the interface. Users can log in to manage their lists, but cannot manage account information from within Portfolio. Disabling the My Account link can be helpful if you have set up the profile to connect to Symphony through a link other than web services (such as LDAP or SIP).
Show "Send a Request" link
Displays a link at the top of the patron console that allows the patrons to send requests directly to their library. For more information, see Configuring requests.
Note: This option is only available for Symphony ILSs.
Requests Policy
Specifies which policy should be used for the Send a Request option. This field is only available if you have selected the Show "Send a Request" link option. When available, this is a required field. You must fill out this field with a valid requests policy from your ILS. For more information, see Configuring requests.
Note: This option is only available for Symphony ILSs.
Show "Forgot My PIN" link
Displays a link in the Log In dialog box that sends an email to patrons with a link to a page that allows them to reset their My Account password.
"Forgot My PIN" link text
Specifies the hypertext label that displays on the Log In dialog box that a patron would click to reset the PIN.
For this field, you can also specify an alternate name for a specific language. Choose the language from the drop-down list of supported languages, then enter the localized name in the field.
Note: If your web browser is configured to use a display language that is not supported by Portfolio and you have chosen to display the Admin console in a language other than the default language (en_US), the language that displays in the drop-down list of supported languages defaults to US English.
If a localized name already exists for a specific language, the software displays that language name differently in the drop-down list. When you enter a localized name for a specific language, the language name appears with a “++” suffix. If you clear the localized name for a specific language, the software displays the language name without the different formatting.
Note: This option does not display unless Show "Forgot my PIN" link is selected.
"Forgot My PIN" email file
Specifies the name of the template mail file that you want sent to the patron when the "Forgot My PIN" link is initiated. You do not need to include the path to the file, but it does need to be placed in the correct directory, according to language. The location and file format depend on which Web Services the profile uses:
Web Services | Filename format | Description |
Symphony Web Services | |
The specified file must be located in the Unicorn/Templates/PINRecovery/<Lang>/ directory, where <Lang> is the user's language as specified in the user record. If no value is specified (or a file is specified that does not exist), the system uses the default.mltemplate for the language of the user. If there is no default language template for the user's language, the template for the system is used (located in the Unicorn/Templates/PINRecovery/default/ directory). If all the default templates have been deleted from the Symphony system, the system returns an error response. Note: You can use the file as the base for the email file that you specify in the "Forgot My Pin" email file field. Be careful to not overwrite the file. |
Horizon Web Service |
sample.txt |
The specified file must be located in the jboss/server/default/conf/emailTemplates/resetPin/<Lang>/ directory, where <Lang> is the locale that is passed in the request header of the REST call. For example, en_US (for English in the United States) or fr_CA (for French in Canada). Therefore, if they do not already exist, you must create the appropriate language directories for the languages that your library supports. By default, the installation program creates the following directories: en_US, es, fr, fr_CA, and de_DE. If a file is specified that does not exist, the system uses the default.txt template for the language of the profile. If there is no default language template for the profile's language, the system uses the system default template that corresponds to the emailTemplateFilename (located in the jboss/server/default/conf/emailTemplates/resetPin/ directory). If that does not exist either, the default.txt template for the system is used (located in the jboss/server/default/conf/emailTemplates/resetPin/ directory). If no default exists, the system returns an error response. Note: You can use the default.txt file as the base for the email file that you specify in the "Forgot My Pin" email file field. Be careful to not overwrite the default.txt file. |
Note: This option does not display unless Show "Forgot my PIN" link is selected.
Show User Logout Warning
Displays a security warning to the patron after the patron has logged out from My Account.
Unless a patron in the library clears the cache or closes the browser after logging out, the next person to use the computer can use the browser's Back button to view the previous patron's login name and search information, but not access the previous user's My Account pages. When Show User Logout Warning is enabled, Portfolio displays a message to the patrons who have logged out explaining that they should close the browser in order to avoid exposing their user name to other users.
Note: The message does not clear the cache or close the browser for the patron. The patron must perform those tasks for the cache to actually clear.
Note: The setting of this option does not affect the logout process of patrons using Enterprise on a mobile device.
My List Items
Enable Patron Lists
Adds or removes the option that lets patrons create and manage their own lists of items.
Note: A patron's list of items can include anything listed in a normal search (that is, titles, assets, rooms, and so forth). Results from a federated target search cannot be added to a list.
My Lists Display
Specifies the display used for items in the My List interface. Enterprise includes a Default display. When you create new display, it appears in the My List Display list. For more information, see Managing My List displays.
Enriched Content Options
Specifies the account information for any third-party enriched content that you want to integrate with Portfolio. Enriched content is any third-party product that integrates with a library search interface to display additional information about a library item in Searching. Enriched content solutions may include book cover images, summaries, reviews, annotations, or table of contents listing. Currently, Portfolio supports Bowker’s Syndetics Solutions and ChiliFresh products as enriched content solutions. Bowker’s Syndetics Solutions provide book cover images, summaries, and other supplemental content that are available based on your library’s subscription with the enriched content provider. ChiliFresh provides public patron reviews of library items. If your library integrates the ChiliFresh application with Portfolio, patron reviews that have been written by any ChiliFresh subscribers will be available for any matching items that you currently have in your library holdings.
Searching will only display the enriched content that you have access to based on your specific account privileges with the third-party provider. |
When you integrate enriched content with Portfolio, the software displays hyperlinks to the enriched content from the detailed display for an item in Searching. These hyperlinks only display when the enriched content exists for that item For example, if a summary exists for an item, then Portfolio displays a hyperlink to that information in the detailed display for that item. If a summary and a review exist for another item, the software displays hyperlinks to that information in the detailed display for that item. When you click on a hyperlink to enriched content, the enriched content information displays in a separate window from Searching. Once you have finished viewing the information, click the Close Window button to close the enriched content window.
The enriched content that displays for a specific library item depends on the ISBN for that item. If you are using enriched content to display book cover images for patron search results and item details, the software displays the cover image from the specific ISBN that is stored in the bibliographic record. The software then uses that ISBN to display any other content resources (such as summaries, reviews, table of contents listings, etc.) for that item.
If you have multiple ISBNs stored in the bib record for a library item, the software only displays the cover image for the first ISBN listed in the bib record for which a cover image also exists in the enriched content. The software then uses that cover image and any other content resources for all ISBNs listed in the bib record.
If the enriched content provider does not provide a book cover for a specific item, then the software does not display anything in place of the book cover image. |
Display Google Books preview
Includes previews from Google Books within the details page of the item when a preview is available. The preview displays in an accordion that patrons can expand.
Important: You can change the name that appears on the accordion in Language Files (for information about finding and changing text strings, see Managing language files); however, Google limits the titles you can use to just a few. Before your library uses this option, make sure you review the conditions and naming guidelines that Google has set. For more information, see For localized interfaces, Google provides a table of approved translations at
Important: The Google Books viewer includes a toolbar that displays links to Google Books and various book vendors. This toolbar cannot be removed or hidden.
Bowker Syndetics Account Number
Specifies the Bowker Syndetics Solutions account number that your library uses to display enriched content, such as book covers, into the Searching interface.
Enter the account number in the field, then choose Save.
Note: Bowker’s Syndetics Solutions should provide you with the account information that you need to manage content.
Note: Your Bowker Syndetics account number should apply to your library or organization. To enable Syndetics functionality for specific search profiles, enter the same Syndetics account number for each profile where you want to display enriched content.
Note: By default, if Bowker’s Syndetics Solutions takes longer than 10 seconds to display book covers, patrons using Internet Explorer to access Searching will see a red “X” symbol indicating that the book cover image cannot be found when they search for library items.
ChiliFresh Account
Specifies the account number for your library’s ChiliFresh account. Your ChiliFresh account number provides access to ChiliFresh reviews for your entire library or organization, but you must enable ChiliFresh functionality for each search profile where you want patron reviews to display.
To integrate ChiliFresh functionality, you must already have a ChiliFresh account for your library or organization. For information about obtaining a ChiliFresh account, visit
For more information on setting up ChiliFresh, see Integrating with ChiliFresh.
Note: Your ChiliFresh account number should apply to your library or organization. To enable ChiliFresh functionality for multiple search profiles, enter the same ChiliFresh account number for each profile where you want to display patron reviews.
Important: If you specify a ChiliFresh Account Number, you must also specify a ChiliFresh API Key.
ChilFresh API Key
Specifies the API Key for your library's ChiliFresh account.
To access your ChiliFresh API key, log in to your ChiliFresh account at and go to Reviews > API > Generate API key.
For more information on setting up ChiliFresh, see Integrating with ChiliFresh.
Important: If you specify a ChiliFresh API Key, you must also specify a ChiliFresh Account Number.
Specifies the API ID for your library's BTLF account. Your BTLF ID provides access to French language title covers for your entire library or organization, but you must enable BTLF functionality for each search profile where you want French-language book covers to display.
To integrate BTLF functionality, you must already have a BTLF account for your library or organization. For information about obtaining a BTLF account, visit
Note: Your BTLF ID should apply to your library or organization. To enable BTLF functionality for specific search profiles, enter the same BTLF ID for each profile where you want to display enriched content.
BTLF Secret
Specifies the API secret for your library's BTLF account.
Electre Username
Specifies the username for your library's Electre account. Your Electre account provides access to French language title covers for your entire library or organization, but you must enable Electre functionality for each search profile where you want French-language book covers to display.
To integrate Electre functionality, you must already have an Electre account for your library or organization. For information about obtaining an Electre account, visit
Note: Your Electre account should apply to your library or organization. To enable Electre functionality for specific search profiles, enter the same Electre Username for each profile where you want to display enriched content.
Electre Password
Specifies the password for your library's Electre account.
IP Address Ranges (optional)
Specifies any IP range settings for this profile. You can specify one or more ranges of IP addresses that are associated with this search profile. This means that when the software receives a request from a workstation in that range, it can redirect it to the appropriate profile.
The software only supports using IPv4 addresses in this format within address ranges: “” where “xxx” is less than or equal to “255.” |
If you enter an IP address range that conflicts with an already existing IP address range for any profile, the software displays an error message indicating that IP ranges must be unique to a profile and that the range you specified overlaps with another range.
IP Range
Enter the starting and ending IP addresses to specify the range that you want to add. If you enter an invalid IP address in either field, the software displays an error message indicating that the IP address that you entered is invalid.
Note: The value that you enter in the first IP Range field must be less than or equal to the value that you enter for the second IP field in order to be considered a valid range.
Note: If you want to add a single IP address to the list of specified ranges, enter the same IP address in both of the IP fields.
Specified Ranges
Displays a list of the IP address ranges that have been defined for this search profile.
To add a range to the list, enter the IP address values in the IP Range fields, then choose Add. To remove a range from the list, select the range from the list, then choose Remove. The Remove option is only active if you select one or more IP ranges from the Specified Ranges list.
Note: Only ranges added to this field will be saved with this search profile. If you specify a value for the IP Start and IP End fields, but do not choose Add to add the range to the list of specified ranges, that range will not be saved with this profile.
Always redirect these addresses to this profile
Specifies that any IP addresses specified for this profile should always redirect to this profile. Normally, if users type a profile URL or click a link with a profile URL, the system will show that profile, even if their IP address is associated as a range with a different profile (see Fields: Add/Edit/Copy Profile). However, when the “Always redirect” option is selected for a profile, the system ignores the profile URL; workstations with IP addresses in the specified range can only see this profile.
Note: If this option is selected, and you try to use a workstation that has an IP address in the IP address specified for this search profile, then in Profiles you will be able to access only the search profile that is associated with the workstation IP address. For this reason, system administrators should not use a workstation with an IP address in the specified address range for this search profile.
Security Options
The Security Options let you define the authentication server and other options that control access to the My Account page and Place Hold action. Additionally, you can specify whether patrons must log in to have access to the rooms in the profile.
When you set up the profile, you can select which login fields to display and one or more servers to authenticate patrons’ credentials.
All profiles that include SirsiDynix content are set to require authentication. You cannot remove the check from the Authentication Required box in these profiles. However, you can select whether the Password field is displayed on the login page and which authentication servers to use. Patrons will not be able to log in to a SirsiDynix content profile until you have selected at least one authentication server for the profile. |
Redirect to Home Page (and logout) after {5} Minutes
Specifies the number of minutes (from 0 to 14) before Portfolio logs out the patron from My Account (if logged in) and opens the profile's home page. The default value for this field is 5 minutes. Specifying 0 minutes turns this functionality off for the profile. Portfolio displays a warning message to the patron with the option to continue with the current session if time runs out. The intent of this setting is to provide security and privacy for patrons who leave a library terminal while the results of the last search are still displayed or is still logged in to My Account.
If the patron has not logged in but has left the system on a page other than the Home page, Portfolio redirects the browser back to the Home page without displaying the warning message.
Note: This setting does not apply when patrons are logged in from mobile devices.
Log out user and return to the home page automatically after session timeout
When this attribute is enabled, Enterprise logs the user out and automatically returns to the home page when a session times out. When this attribute is disabled, patrons are presented with a warning that includes a countdown timer shortly before the session times out, with the option to continue the existing session. When the session times out, the patron is notified that their session has timed out. Dismissing that message logs the user out and returns them to the home page.
Enable Google reCAPTCHA
Specifies whether Enterprise should use Google reCAPTCHA for patron authentication. When this attribute is enabled, patrons are required to use reCAPTCHA as part of the login process. This includes the use of a CAPTCHA challenge if reCAPTCHA cannot verify that the patron is human via the reCAPTCHA checkbox.
Google reCAPTCHA Site Key
Specifies the site key Google requires to integrate Google reCAPTCHA into the Enterprise user interface.
You will need to obtain this site key from Google. To obtain a site key, visit and follow the requisite steps.
Note: This option only displays if the Enable Google reCAPTCHA attribute has been enabled.
Google reCAPTCHA Secret Key
Specifies the secret key Google requires to support Google reCAPTCHA functionality in Enterprise.
You will need to obtain this secret key from Google. To obtain a secret key, visit and follow the requisite steps.
Note: This option only displays if the Enable Google reCAPTCHA attribute has been enabled.
Authentication Required
Specifies whether patrons must log in to have access to the rooms in the profile. If turned on, patrons must log in before attempting to view any rooms in the profile. Portfolio displays a login page to patrons who follow a link to a room in a secure profile.
Important: Self-registration is not available on a profile that requires authentication. If you want to enable self-registration on a profile, you must disable the Authentication Required option. For more information, see Setting up a self-registration page.
Update patron activity on login
Specifies whether the Patron Last Activity Date is also updated when a patron logs in.
Username Field Label
Specifies the name to use as the label for the username field. If you leave the Username Field Label blank, Portfolio will display the default label, “Username”, for the field.
Show Password Field
Indicates whether a password field is displayed to the patron for login.
Note: If authentication is required and the password field is hidden, only accounts that have a blank password can log in to the profile. For more information, see Setting up single-credential logins.
Password Field Label
Specifies the name to use as the label for the password field. If you leave the Password Field Label blank, Portfolio will display the default label, “Password”, for the field.
Authentication Servers
Lists the authentication servers assigned to the search profile.
Important: If the Web Services attribute of your ILS Search Source Site does not match the Web Services attribute of at least one of the authentication servers assigned to the profile, all items will display as "unavailable" and patrons will see an error when placing a hold.
To add or remove servers from the list, use the following options and fields:
Option | Description |
Add Authentication Server
Adds an authentication server to the profile. Important: When setup involves more than one authentication server for a single profile, remember that only CAS auth servers are supported. Mixing CAS and Non-CAS auth servers in a single profile generates errors. |
Authentication Server |
Specifies the authentication server you want to assign to the profile. You need to add an authentication server to Enterprise before it will display in the drop-down list. For more information, see Managing patron authentication. Note: When you select a Web Services for Symphony authentication server, that server is added to the list of authentication servers that you can configure pickup locations for on this profile. In order for a customer to place a hold in SirsiDynix Symphony, pickup locations must first be configured. For more information, see Managing pickup libraries. |
HIP Profile |
Specifies the name of the HIP profile (up to 80 characters) by which you want to limit searching. You only need to enter a value for this field if you select a Web Services for Horizon authentication server. |
Working Library |
Specifies the library to which you want to authenticate. You only need to enter a value for this field if you select a Web Services for Horizon authentication server. Note: The Working Library is used to retrieve pickup libraries from the Horizon Pickup Location Sort table configuration. The Enterprise Profile Pickup Libraries page of the Enterprise Admin console further filters the list of pickup locations shown to patrons. It is also used for Horizon hold requests and checkout renewals. This means that having the correct library configured is important for the fulfillment of those requests. |
Removes that authentication server from the profile. |
Accessibility Mode
Specifies the default behavior for the Searching interface for the profile. When accessibility mode is enabled, the Searching interface is modified to adhere to WCAG 2.1 standards. These changes to the interface make it easier to navigate without a mouse. For example, item detail displays open on a new page instead of in a separate window, and the Select an Action menu in the search results and item detail display opens in a default drop-down list. In addition, shortcut links are included at the top and bottom of each page to allow quick access to content, search, and other page elements depending on which page is open. Select one of the following options:
Option | Description |
Always Enabled |
Opens the profile in accessibility mode for all patrons, and patrons can't switch to the normal mode. There is no Accessibility Mode icon ( |
Disabled by default |
Opens the profile in normal mode for all patrons, but patrons can still switch to accessibility mode by clicking the Accessibility Mode icon ( |
Enabled by default |
Opens the profile in accessibility mode for all patrons, but patrons can still switch to normal mode by clicking the Accessibility Mode icon ( |
Accessibility Mode link is an icon
Specifies whether the Accessibility Mode link displays as the icon () or as a text string (Accessibility Mode). The icon displays when this option is selected.
Email "from" address
Specifies the return email address used whenever a patron emails results or lists from Portfolio. The email address is profile-wide (meaning that it will be used for all patron emails that are posted from within that profile; other profiles can have a different email address) and cannot be changed by the patron when sending the email.
Note: If the field is left blank, or the name or address that you enter doesn't resolve as a validly formatted email address, Portfolio will use the address "" or whatever address is entered in the "email.SMTP.from" value in the "" file (to make changes to this file, you must contact SirsiDynix Customer Support).
If you enter the name without the domain (such as "bill"), Portfolio will use the SirsiDynix domain as the address (such as "
Mobile Pages
Specifies if and when Portfolio adjusts its page content for display on mobile devices. Select from the following options:
Option | Description |
Always Enabled |
Portfolio only presents mobile pages, regardless of device used or accessibility settings. |
Disabled |
Portfolio only presents desktop pages, regardless of device used. |
Enabled for mobile devices only |
Portfolio presents mobile pages to mobile devices, and desktop pages to all other devices. Note: This functionality relies on mobile devices sending a mobile header as part of the web page request. Most mobile browsers send device-appropriate headers, but they can be configured to use standard headers instead. This means some mobile devices may still be presented with desktop pages, even with this setting enabled. |
Enabled for mobile devices or accessibility mode |
Portfolio presents mobile pages to mobile devices, or to all devices when accessibility mode is enabled. |
Enabled only in accessibility mode |
Portfolio presents mobile pages only when accessibility mode is enabled, regardless of device used. |